Just starting out in youth ministry?
History of Catholic Youth Ministry in the United States:
Dr. Bob Rice gave a talk for the Diocese of Shreveport that gives a great overview of where Catholic youth ministry in America started, and how we got to where we are now. Check it out: |
Key Documents:
Key Resources:
- Renewing the Vision: The U.S. bishops' foundational document for youth ministry
- Co-Workers in the Vineyard: The U.S. bishops' foundational document for lay ecclesial ministry
- Sons and Daughters of the Light: The U.S. bishops' foundational document for young adult ministry
- The National Directory for Catechesis: The application of the General Directory for Catechesis to the context of the United States
- The USSCB has many more documents on various topics -- check them out!
Key Resources:
- APYM's Facebook Group (the group is "closed," meaning posts can only be seen by group members; simply request to join!)
- APYM's gathering archives (meeting notes, videos, prayers, and more!)
- The Institute for Evangelization in the Archdiocese of Baltimore
- Be Missionary Disciples: Pastoral Planning for the Archdiocese of Baltimore
- The Office of Child & Youth Protection for the Archdiocese of Baltimore
- NFCYM (the National Foundation for Catholic Youth Ministry)
- The Monsignor O'Dwyer Retreat House in Sparks, MD (the official Archbalt youth retreat house)
- Did you know that the Catholic Relief Services headquarters is in downtown Baltimore?
advocating for yourself & THE PROFESSION
When You're Not Sure Where to Turn:
Professional Self-Advocacy:
Self-Care for Ministers:
Professional Development:
- Employee Assistance Program (Mental health, legal, and other support through the Archdiocese benefit plan)
- Archdiocese of Baltimore Ethics Hotline (Confidentially report concerns related to HR issues or financial misconduct)
- The Office of Child & Youth Protection for the Archdiocese of Baltimore (receive support and guidance for reporting abuse or suspected abuse, whether within and outside Archdiocesan entities)
- The Human Resources Office for parishes & school in the Archdiocese of Baltimore (for all questions related to benefits, management, and what employees are entitled to by law and policy)
- The Office of Risk Management for the Archdiocese of Baltimore (for questions related to liability, safety, incident reports, transportation, and many other legal questions)
- 2018 Risk Management presentation to New Youth Ministers
- The Chancery (get answers to questions related to canon law)
Professional Self-Advocacy:
- We Love Our Youth Worker (An interdenominational organization which provides a covenant establishing expectations between youth workers and their churches)
- Archdiocesan Annual Salary Scale document - contact the Servant Team
- 2018 Project YM Discussion of the National Study of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders (including salary data)
- When and How to Ask for a Raise (blog post)
- Communicating with Your Pastor (blog post)
- 5 Keys to Being Professional in Youth Ministry (blog post)
- What It Takes to Be a Professional Youth Minister (blog post)
- Simple Disciplines (Habits) for Professional Youth Ministers:
Self-Care for Ministers:
Professional Development:
- Mid-Atlantic Congress ("the MAC," right here in Baltimore each year!)
- NCCYM (the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry)
- The Ecumenical Institute at St. Mary's Seminary & University (scholarships are available!)
- Alliance for the Certification of Lay Ecclesial Ministers (ask for support in this process!)
Sites, Blogs, Podcasts, Webinars, etc.
Facebook Groups
Speakers/Presenters/Ministry Support Services
Books for Youth Ministry Professionals
*NOTE: Many of the books below are from a non-Catholic perspective but contain lots of wisdom around effective ministry.
- NFCYM Webinars (check out that archive!)
- Marathon Youth Ministry blog, podcasts, & services (founded by the Archbalt's own Christopher Wesley)
- Project YM blog & other resources (with contributions by Baltimore locals)
- Ascension Roundtable Blog/Podcast (topics of interest to Catholic ministry professionals in general)
- Stuff You Can Use (ecumenical; one-stop shop for things like games, office inspiration, curriculu, resources; blog, podcast, and more.)
- Download Youth Ministry (ecumenical; lots of up-to-the-minute screen games and other resources in their shop)
- Ministry to Youth (ecumenical; tons of topical one-off lessons)
- The Source for Youth Ministry (ecumenical; a great starting place for game inspiration)
Facebook Groups
- APYM's Facebook Group
- Catholic Youth Ministry Discussion Facebook Group (including CYM Live)
- Catholic Youth Ministers Facebook Group
- CYM Essentials Facebook Group
- Stuff You Can Use: A Youth Ministry Community Facebook Group (ecumenical)
- Forming Intentional Disciples Forum (a very active group talking about the New Evangelization in action, with Sherry Weddell's work as a foundation to conversation)
Speakers/Presenters/Ministry Support Services
- Dr. Bob McCarty (local legend now working with St. Mary's Press on research and more)
- Katie Prejean
- NET Ministries (to learn more about the Archbalt's partnership with NET, contact Mark Hollcraft, Eastern Regional Director, at 651.450.6833 x201 or [email protected])
- 12 Noon Ministries (Local campus minister and speaker Ginny Dauses)
- InSpirited, LLC (Spiritual Direction and other services by local youth ministry veteran Joanne Cahoon)
- Youth In Christ (middle-school-focused resources, sponsor of the Archdiocesan Middle School Day)
- Ministry Training Source (training, consulting, and research, including important research into Catholic youth ministry full- and part-time professionals' compensation trends in the U.S.)
- THRIVE Online Catholic Youth Ministry Community
- Center for Ministry Development (including the Youth Ministry Access resource database)
- StrengthsFinder Assessment (contact the DYYAM before you pay for an assessment, as there is sometimes funding available to receive your Top 5)
- Catholic Speakers Organization (database of speakers by topic and region)
Books for Youth Ministry Professionals
*NOTE: Many of the books below are from a non-Catholic perspective but contain lots of wisdom around effective ministry.
- Sabbath (Wayne Muller)
- The Rebuilt series, especially Rebuilding Youth Ministry & Rebuilding Confirmation (both by Christopher Wesley)
- The Forming Intentional Disciples series (Sherry Weddell & others)
- The Divine Renovation series (Fr. James Mallon & others)
- Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn't Last and What Your Church Can Do About It (Mark DeVries)
- Purpose Driven Youth Ministry: 9 Essential Foundations for Healthy Growth (Doug Fields)
- Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church (Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, Brad M. Griffin)
- Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics (Bob McCarty)
- Pat Lencioni's many resources around leadership & organizational theory and practice
- Alpha Catholic
- Ascension
- Ave Maria Press
- Christlife
- Communications Center (clearinghouse that stocks resources from many different publishers)
- Creative Communications for the Parish
- Formed.org
- Good Ground Press
- LifeTeen/Edge
- Loyola Press
- St. Mary's Press
- Pflaum
- RCL/Benziger
- Redeemed Online
- Word On Fire
APYM is not responsible for the content of any of the above links or other sources, which are collected here merely as a service to our members. Their inclusion on the APYM site does not constitute endorsement, but serves as a recommendation for further inquiry, charitable reading, and prudent application in particular ministry contexts.